I’d be a liar if I said I never thought of the job of a makeup artist as being somewhat glamorous.

Painting some of the most interesting faces, both of nature and otherwise.

Throw in a celebrity or two? I’m thinking this is a dream job.

But when you ask the professionals, it becomes quite clear.

It ain’t as easy as it looks.

What they don’t tell you.

My question was this… What things would I wish I knew before I got started?

I asked this question over the years, and I kept a log of things I found that seemed like a good answer. I don’t have links to where I got each of these from, but they were interesting enough for me to share them with you.

Here are some of the things makeup artists say are tough about being a makeup artist.

As soon as I revisited this list in my notes I just had to share. Many of these are things I would’ve never considered.

Did I miss anything? Leave your wish-you-knew-beforehand in the comments.

Photo courtesy of Ogle School.

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