Don’t you love a makeup artist who can use prosthetics and bald caps to make the most amazing creatures?
Bald caps are amazing! I’ve never tried one though.
I never really thought about bald caps for me. That’s because I have big hair.
There are no bald caps that will believably cover dreadlocks.
I’m pretty much stuck with having to incorporate my hair into my makeups.
But then I said, “Internet? Can you prove me wrong? Are there bald caps for people with big hair?”
Let’s find out.
First. Google it. “Bald caps for dreadlocks”
The first one on the list is from Yahoo Questions. To summarize:
You can’t cover dreadlocks without some bulge.
Well, that was disappointing.
The second one on Google had some promise.
It was Graftobian’s Bald Cap Kit instructions.
I’m thinking okay. Graftobian makes special bald caps for big hair.
Nope. Instead I find Figure 2. In broad daylight, it says:
“Short hair works best when wearing a bald cap.“
No sense in going on.
But I do want to know how to apply them properly, even if I can’t practice on myself.
I posted this video on Facebook a while ago. I thought it explained it well.
Here’s the video again if you missed it.
It’s about how to make your own bald caps and how to apply them properly.
Hmm…maybe if I could make one for my own hair I could make it work.
So, did I give up too easy? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to know if I could cover my locks with a bald cap.
Have you figured this one out? I have locs and one of the favorite CosPlays requires a bald/short hair style. IF you have an answer that would be amazing
Hey, Kelsey. I wish I could tell you I’ve figured it out, but I haven’t. I found these silicone swim caps made for big hair, but no actual bald caps. Still, you can kinda see from the picture that there’s gonna be some bulge. What I’ve done in the past is worn a wig over my hair and tucked the length into my clothing. You can see that below in my 2016 Halloween costume on my other Instagram. It worked very well, no one was the wiser. Of course, wigs and bald caps are different beasts. Let me know what you come up with!