Getting confident in doing makeup takes time and a ton of patience. But that’s what makes the makeup journey special.
And difficult.
I’ve been on and off this journey so many times, my confidence in doing makeup fluctuating along the way.
At one point I stuck with just the bare minimum, doing my makeup only when necessary and barely wearing any at all.
And creative makeup? That was just a thing of the past. I loved looking at them, but I’d completely stopped creating my own art.
If you’ve ever been here, I found a few tips to help get your creative juices flowing again, and help you gain confidence in doing makeup.
How to get confident in makeup
I’m gonna list the things I used to get confident in makeup.
I’m telling you, do these for just a week, and watch how much better you feel.
Stop looking at social media.
Creative makeup is so artistic and fun to look at, but there comes a point where you have to step away.
It’s one thing to learn from what you see, but it’s another to let what you see dictate what you do.
Don’t get paralyzed by what you see. How will you ever get confident in doing makeup when you’re only watching it…not doing it?
Get a new book
Pick up a book on a makeup skill or topic you’ve never done before. I say a book because you need to be able to hold it in your hands, not watch from a screen.
Because we’re leaving social media outta this, right?
So, read your new book. Compare what you’ve learned to what you already know. Study the pictures and techniques.
Learning a new skill can really boost your confidence in doing makeup. And having that book in hand will be a constant reminder of what you know.
Clean your brushes
Cleaning your brushes is sort of nostalgic. You see those colors running down the sink and reminisce on what you created.
Sometimes new ideas pop up in your head, or you just plain get excited about using your brushes again. You know. Now that they’re clean.
Spend some time with your brushes and love on them a bit. Study their shapes and imagine their use.
Really get to know your brushes while cleaning them, and you’ll feel a boost in your confidence in doing makeup.
Give yourself a facial
Practicing on your face does cause wear and tear on your skin. Give your face a hug by getting a facial or doing your own special regimen.
Seeing your skin refreshed…and leaving it that way for a while…may help you face your makeup fears with a clean slate.
Exfoliate your skin. Use a mud mask. Pamper yourself. Reignite your skin and get it ready for makeup again.
This builds your confidence in your skin underneath your makeup, which can translate into building your confidence in doing makeup.
Practice makes perfect
Nothing makes a better artist than practice. There’s no getting around it. You have to practice.
You know what I’d tell myself? I’d say that I have to get 50 mess-ups out of the way before I reach my goal of mastering makeup.
I don’t actually count my mess-ups, but I do keep a short running tally of what I consider a mess-up. I know I’m getting them all out of the way to make way for future perfection.
Accepting you will mess-up builds your confidence in doing makeup. You can always practice on a face chart if you don’t want to use your face.
Try new makeup
If we weren’t post 2020 I’d say to visit a makeup counter. That’d be a fun way to try new colors and products. But the mere thought of that now makes me cringe.
So, how do you try new makeup without the risk? Visit the websites of your favorite brands and see if they offer the option of trying on a color virtually.
Another option is to dig into your stash and see if you have anything new that you haven’t tried yet. Take it out and use it! Even if you don’t do a full look, do swatches or color matches.
Take photos while trying on your new makeup.
This is a surefire way to ignite your love of makeup and get your creative juices flowing.
As for building your confidence in doing makeup, surrounding yourself with your most beloved products can help you tremendously.
Take a moment to be grateful
You have a talent. A desire. Do you know how many people don’t have even that?
Don’t give up on yourself before you have a chance to get great.
Like I mentioned above, you’re gonna mess up. It’s gonna happen. There’s very little you can do to avoid it.
Learn from your mistakes and move forward. Keep trying to impress yourself, not anyone else.
And be grateful for your gift of doing makeup.
Spend this week doing some or all of these things.
I guarantee you’ll feel better about yourself and your talents!
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I’d love to hear from you about how you boost your confidence in doing makeup. I’m sure others would like to hear it too!