I like to think I can draw. I mean, I’m not that bad. But I’m not foolish enough to believe I can’t be better.

Truth be told, if I were being judged by my sketches, well, I’d hope my undeniably sweet charm would be a good distraction. (Cue the opening theme to the movie ‘Elf’.)

And forgive this little side note, but I can’t help but want to smack all the contestants on SyFy’s ‘Face Off” because they all have the drawing skills I dream of.

(I don’t really want to smack them by the way. Figured I’d better say that.)

But I bring up ‘Face Off’ because that show is a prime example of why it’s important to take some drawing lessons.

Even though there are other important skills in creating prosthetics makeup, it’s your sketch that’s your first impression. It communicates everything you want to accomplish.

Get Your Free Drawing Lessons Here!

If your skills don’t improve after using any of these drawing lessons, then I give you permission to chastise me and call me names. (And if you do chastise me and call me names I have given myself permission to block and otherwise ignore you. Hehehe…)

Now, some of the drawing tutorials here will seem repetitive, but I promise. If you’re pencil challenged, like me, the combination of all of these are invaluable.

1. Drawspace’s Drawing Lessons – I can’t believe everything on this site is free. There are tons and tons of drawing tutorials from cartooning to hair to animals to anime. You will find what you need here for sure.

2. Drawing Tips: Top 10 Mistake Beginners Make – I was drawn to this article because it promised to help people who are teaching themselves to draw. These are the mistakes that, if you were in a classroom, you’d learn to avoid.

3. Figure Drawing: Basic Pose and Construction – This drawing tutorial comes from the Fantasy Art Resource Project. My personal favorite part was how to master the pose of your character. The illustrations are worth millions.

4. The Breakthrough Figure Drawing Course by Riven Phoenix – This guy put a lot of work into these tutorials. It’s a complete HD series of lessons on figure drawing.

Although the complete course is $45, you can preview the courses on his website or on the Riven Phoenix YouTube channel. The previews are perfect for a beginner. (This is not an affiliate link by the way.)

5. Andrew Loomis – This gem was sent to me by my Twitter pal @KreepyLady. (Do follow her. She’s fantastic.)

It’s a list of books that teach anyone how to draw. These books are FREE .pdf’s that will get you drawing like a pro in no time.

I started with the first book, Fun With a Pencil: How Everyone Can Easily Learn to Draw, and it’s a great place to start. This book alone gets you thinking in a new direction.

6. Drawingbooks.org has many more books, like the one on how to master sketching.

7. Croquis Cafe – If you’d like to reference nude models in artistic poses, then this is the site for you. Here you’ll find tons of videos of real models in different poses during timed intervals. The music makes for a nice atmosphere, and the poses are a great reference.

I did mention there’s tasteful artistic nudity, right? Just know that if you find this kind of content inappropriate, or if you are under the age of 18, please do not visit this site.

8. Gesture Lesson – This was a great explanation of how simplicity begets complexity. As the drawing tutorial goes on you can see how important this site will become as you practice. It’s definitely a keeper. (WARNING: More nudity. Over 18 only, k?)

9. Value Drawing: Shading Techniques and Textures – This is a must watch video. Very well put together, very well taught, and very informative. Very.

10. Cartoon Fundamentals – I figured that after I’ve mastered the actual human figure I’d need to get back into creating characters. This tutorial gives ideas on drawing cartoon characters that’s sure to help us create character makeups.

Know of any other great resources for learning to draw? Do us all a favor and leave them in the comments.

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