Creating a makeup that resembles a God or Goddess should be simple, right? I mean, there are so many examples across many cultures.

Well…not so much. Because there are so many versions, so many stories, so many angles, creating a God or Goddess is not exactly as easy as it seems.

When I think of a Goddess I think of inner strength, beauty, and charisma. If we were to create our own God or Goddess for a film or stage play, what would it need to encompass?

What is a God or a Goddess?

By now you know I like to make sure I’m on the up and up when it comes to researching a look. By definition, a Goddess is a woman who is adored for something, most commonly her beauty. A God is an entity that has some level of power over something whether it be nature or some other emotion or element.

God of Love (Eros). Goddess of Eternal Youth (Hebe). These entities speak volumes in their stories and meanings behind them.

To Queen or to Goddess?

I questioned whether or not there was a similarity to Kings/Queens and Gods/Goddesses. The main difference I could tell is in their reign; Goddesses have mythical roots. Queens don’t. I’m thinking a Queen makeup would differ from the Goddess makeup in the color palette too.

When I picture a Love Goddess and a Queen of Hearts, for example, they don’t share the same color palette in my mind. I see golden, fiery colors with a Goddes of Love. For the Queen of Hearts, the palette is more white and red.

Like with the humanoid makeup look, there’s an element of metallic skin and irridesence in the God/Goddess makeup. I don’t see that when thinking of a queen.

So, let’s take a look at some inspiration for creating our own God & Goddess makeup.


Use these images as inspiration to help you create your makeup look.


Here are the tutorials handpicked for the best in God and Goddess makeup.

This tutorial gives a good idea of how to accomplish a Goddess look. I like the use of all over golden shimmer.

While this isn’t exactly a Goddess makeup, there are elements that can be borrowed from this look to create a stunning God or Goddess makeup. Just a warning that the audio is not in English.

Colour Creep gives us this beautiful rendition of a Goddess.

Product Recommendations

Here are a few of the products that can get you started making a God or Goddess makeup. These are products I’ve used, and you’ll see some of these products in the “Gods & Goddesses” makeup effects subscription box.

Know of any other good Goddess makeup tutorials, or have some ideas you want to share? Leave it in the comments!

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