Let’s try our hand at creating a unicorn-inspired makeup look with our own special twist.
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Makeup Inspired by Unicorns
Unicorns are beautiful and a great inspiration for a fantasy-inspired makeup. While there’s not enough proof of their actual existence, unicorns have somehow woven themselves into our lives for centuries.
Unicorn themes can be seen in everything from birthday parties to hair color. Let’s get set to create a gorgeous unicorn makeup with all the details and beauty of these fantastic creatures.
What are unicorns, and what do they look like?
I know I said there isn’t enough evidence of the existence of Unicorns, but there are actual historical accounts of their existence.
Some say even the historical accounts are falsified, but the accounts are there nonetheless.
The sparkly, cuddly creature that we see on store shelves isn’t exactly how historical documents describe unicorns. Historically, unicorns are said to have the body of a horse with a horn in-between its eyes. That horn can be as long as 35 inches (89 cm).
Other historical records describe a unicorn as having the body of a goat with a horn, like the one pictured here. This version has a tuft of hair on its chin, just like a billy goat.
There’s also a more menacing version of a unicorn. This version is depicted as strong and highly protective of its peace, so it can be more territorial and dangerous.
Their danger is so immense that they simply cannot be captured, dead or alive.

Your Unique Unicorn Self
Now let’s think about bringing what we know about unicorns and combine that knowledge with our own ideas for a makeup look.
To do this, think about why you want to do a unicorn makeup and why it inspires you.
How Unicorns Inspire People
Unicorns have inspired people of all ages, not just for their beauty and fantasatical nature, but because they represent some of the most beautiful aspects of life.
Unicorns can be used to represent:
- Joy
- Freedom
- Gentleness
- Magic
With these terms in mind, you can start thinking about the colors, shapes and objects that would help you tell your makeup story. Thinking about these terms, you can start to imagine the colors you’d use in your look, or the accessories that would work well.
How People Have Used Unicorns in Makeup
While becoming the unicorn in your unicorn makeup is an obvious choice, some may be more inspired by the use of colors and sparkle.
Using rainbow or pastel colors, you can create unicorn-inspired hair.
Unicorn-inspired eyeshadow may use rainbow colors and glitter.
Get a better idea of what you can do by checking out the inspiration on my Unicorn Makeup Pinterest Board.
Unicorn PInterest Board
Enjoy this playlist of unicorn makeup tutorials.
Inside your NME Box
The plastic beads inside your box can be molded into any shape. For this theme, use the beads to mold your very own custom unicorn horn. Here’s how.
WARNING: Please be careful when working with hot items. We don’t want anyone getting burned!
Heat about 1 1/2 cups of water to around 150° F.
Slowly pour the baggie of beads into the water.
Watch the beads turn clear, which can take up to 2 minutes. If they don’t turn clear the water may not be hot enough.
Once the beads are clear, carefully (THEY’LL BE HOT!) take the plastic out of the water and begin molding it into shape.
Let cool to harden. Decorate with glitter, string, paint, etc.
Reuse the plastic by putting it in hot water to re-soften.