God & Goddess Makeup

Creating a makeup that resembles a God or Goddess should be simple, right? I mean, there are so many examples across many cultures. Well…not so much. Because there are so many versions, so many stories, so many angles, creating a God or Goddess is not exactly as easy as it seems. When I think of […]

Humanoid Makeup

Humanoid Makeup - NME Box

Have you ever thought about the future and what things will look like? If I asked you to name 3 movies/video games/books about the future you’d probably be able to name them before you blinked. And just a quick Google search will show you the technology that’s actually in our future. Every new year makes […]

Ghost Makeup

Ghost makeup is one of the most versatile makeups you can create. Read on to learn about making a ghostly creation.

Bird Makeup Looks with NME Box

Bird Makeup - NME Box

Creating new makeup effects looks with non-traditional items is fun. This month NME Box is pulling from November’s homage to a certain bird, the turkey. NME Boxers will be flying high with this one! (Did that one work? No?) When I was researching what new and exciting look I can do for this month it […]

Scarecrow Makeup

What’s the first thing you’d grab if challenged with doing a scarecrow makeup? The first thing I think of is burlap. But, how do I use burlap as makeup? This was an interesting makeup to seek out. Some used only makeup and shading techniques, while others used fabric, liquid latex, and other household items to […]

Clowns Abound

Welcome, NME Box holders! And welcome, friends! This month’s box is a colorful, happy box, isn’t it? Here are some fantastic tutorials and links for more on clown makeup and how to apply it. Scroll below for more…   Check out these sites for more in-depth information on the clown culture. Charlie the Juggling Clown shares his […]

10 Youtube Makeup Artists You Should Be Watching


**UPDATE** Be sure to read the comments below for more really good suggestions. And a huge thank you for sharing! What are the best ways to learn makeup effects? The second best way to learn makeup effects is through watching YouTube. (The first best way is through practice.) There are so many talented artists on YouTube. […]

5 Quick Costume Makeup Tips You Need to Know

Costume makeup tips and ideas come a dime a dozen. Just look at all these! What you don’t get, though, are costume makeup tips that take your costume to another level. I don’t want my costume to look like any old costume. I’m trying to turn heads. Weird out a person or two. Heck, maybe […]

How to Make Fake Bruises With Makeup

How to Make Fake Bruises With Makeup - NewtoMakeupEffects.com

Fake bruises. Boy can they be complex. Much like other effects I guess. When I think of a bruise I picture a purple-reddish blob. You know what I mean? I guess my mind’s eye sees a bruise as pretty flat and one dimensional. But take a look at the Ben Nye Master Bruise Wheelto the […]

How to Make Realistic Fake Scars

Fake scars are super easy to do. A lot easier than other makeup effects. Some fake scars take special materials to make. Others take things you probably have in your pantry. You may think well, fake scars. Big deal. But did you know that there are tons of different fake scars? There are ones that […]

Why A Professional Makeup Artist Knows All

I want to be a professional makeup artist. I know the job can be hectic, and I’m okay with that. What I’m not okay with is being a professional makeup artist who doesn’t know makeup. That won’t fly. So, what do I need to know to become a professional makeup artist? How do I become […]

Makeup in the 1930s

Makeup in the 1930s - NewtoMakeupEffects.com

Makeup in the 1930s was so distinct. I know that a part of a makeup artist’s job is knowing the differences in period makeups. I’ve always been drawn to makeup in the 1930s, so it’s the first one I’ll tackle. I love to look at the makeup styles of past times, but makeup in the […]

Why Bald Caps Aren’t the Answer

Why Bald Caps Aren't The Answer - newtomakeupeffects.com

Don’t you love a makeup artist who can use prosthetics and bald caps to make the most amazing creatures? Bald caps are amazing! I’ve never tried one though. I never really thought about bald caps for me. That’s because I have big hair. Dreadlocks. There are no bald caps that will believably cover dreadlocks. I’m […]

Is Pros Aide the Best Adhesive?

Is Pros Aide the Best Adhesive? - NewtoMakeupEffects.com

  Pros Aide? What in the world is Pros Aide? Whenever I’ve done prosthetics makeup I’ve always used Spirit Gum. They sell Spirit Gum in those Halloween shops. It’s the only prosthetics adhesive I know. But Spirit Gum does pose one main problem. It never works for me as a long lasting prosthetic adhesive. So, […]