10 Youtube Makeup Artists You Should Be Watching


**UPDATE** Be sure to read the comments below for more really good suggestions. And a huge thank you for sharing! What are the best ways to learn makeup effects? The second best way to learn makeup effects is through watching YouTube. (The first best way is through practice.) There are so many talented artists on YouTube. […]

10 Lessons I Learned From Watching SyFy’s Face Off

10 Lessons I Learned From Watching SyFy's Face Off

To me, Face Off is a golden opportunity to get free makeup effects instruction. You’re hearing the actual vocabulary, you’re watching the actual techniques, and you’re getting a first-hand look at what pros are expected to be able to produce. What more could you ask for? How about a synopsis of what you need to […]

7 Surefire Ways to Enhance Your Makeup Skills

7 Surefire Ways to Enhance Makeup Skills | New to Makeup Effects.com

Having a passion for special effects artistry and doing the craft well gives an artist one of two things: A career or possibly just an expensive hobby. What separates professionals from amateurs? It can’t be just a stroke of luck. These are the 7 tips I found were closest to a blueprint of makeup greatness. […]

Is There Any Money To Be Made In Makeup Effects?

Is there money to be made in makeup effects?

This is THE question. Money. I mean, who can afford to put half (or all) their savings into a hobby that won’t pay you back? And who wants to hear the constant rib jabbing from our loved ones about our non-lucrative career choice? (They do it because they love you. Trust me.) So many effects […]