10 Lessons I Learned From Watching SyFy’s Face Off

To me, Face Off is a golden opportunity to get free makeup effects instruction. You’re hearing the actual vocabulary, you’re watching the actual techniques, and you’re getting a first-hand look at what pros are expected to be able to produce. What more could you ask for? How about a synopsis of what you need to […]
7 Surefire Ways to Enhance Your Makeup Skills

Having a passion for special effects artistry and doing the craft well gives an artist one of two things: A career or possibly just an expensive hobby. What separates professionals from amateurs? It can’t be just a stroke of luck. These are the 7 tips I found were closest to a blueprint of makeup greatness. […]
Is There Any Money To Be Made In Makeup Effects?

This is THE question. Money. I mean, who can afford to put half (or all) their savings into a hobby that won’t pay you back? And who wants to hear the constant rib jabbing from our loved ones about our non-lucrative career choice? (They do it because they love you. Trust me.) So many effects […]