How To: Fire Makeup

Learn everything you need to know about creating burns, melted skin, and fiery flames with makeup. Use different mediums to create realistic burns, scabs, and hot lava.
God & Goddess Makeup

Creating a makeup that resembles a God or Goddess should be simple, right? I mean, there are so many examples across many cultures. Well…not so much. Because there are so many versions, so many stories, so many angles, creating a God or Goddess is not exactly as easy as it seems. When I think of […]
10 Youtube Makeup Artists You Should Be Watching

**UPDATE** Be sure to read the comments below for more really good suggestions. And a huge thank you for sharing! What are the best ways to learn makeup effects? The second best way to learn makeup effects is through watching YouTube. (The first best way is through practice.) There are so many talented artists on YouTube. […]
5 Quick Costume Makeup Tips You Need to Know
Costume makeup tips and ideas come a dime a dozen. Just look at all these! What you don’t get, though, are costume makeup tips that take your costume to another level. I don’t want my costume to look like any old costume. I’m trying to turn heads. Weird out a person or two. Heck, maybe […]
Why Bald Caps Aren’t the Answer

Don’t you love a makeup artist who can use prosthetics and bald caps to make the most amazing creatures? Bald caps are amazing! I’ve never tried one though. I never really thought about bald caps for me. That’s because I have big hair. Dreadlocks. There are no bald caps that will believably cover dreadlocks. I’m […]
Lifecasting Defined: A Beginner’s Guide to Casting in Plaster
After studying sculpting, I’m about to embark on my first attempt at doing a lifecast. WHOA is me! I don’t know why this scares the crap outta me, but it does. I keep having visions of the stuff hardening while I’m trying to clear an area for my poor subject to breathe, killing them in […]
Do You Use These 5 Materials for Making Makeup Prosthetics?

My very first experience doing my own makeup effects was when I was in the 4th grade. There was a Halloween contest at my elementary school, and of all things, I wanted to be a spider. Since there were no ready made spider-esque makeups, I chose a pimple face makeup prosthetic that I painted with […]
10 Places to Find Free Drawing Lessons

I like to think I can draw. I mean, I’m not that bad. But I’m not foolish enough to believe I can’t be better. Truth be told, if I were being judged by my sketches, well, I’d hope my undeniably sweet charm would be a good distraction. (Cue the opening theme to the movie ‘Elf’.) […]
Do You Have These 6 Profitable Makeup Effects Skills?

There are a ton of tutorials done by fantastically talented amateur makeup artists. There are a ton more done by professionals. I’ve watched quite a few, but I’m sure I haven’t even touched the surface. That’s what scares me about doing my own YouTube channel. I keep asking the question…How do I set myself apart […]
45 Jobs A Makeup Effects Artist Can Do. #37 Is My Favorite.

I made a big mistake just recently. I told my mom that I wanna be a makeup effects artist. But that wasn’t the mistake. When she politely confessed it wasn’t exactly what she had in mind for me, I didn’t have a come back. I couldn’t give her anything else that would ease her mind. […]
How I Easily Learned Facial Anatomy and Expression For Makeup

I was inspired to write this post after watching this video. If you already have great sculpting skills this may not have an effect on you at all. But if you’re like me and don’t have those skills (yet), this may blow your mind. I am totally in awe of how Rick Baker took a […]
What You Ought To Know About A Makeup Artist’s Job

I’d be a liar if I said I never thought of the job of a makeup artist as being somewhat glamorous. Painting some of the most interesting faces, both of nature and otherwise. Throw in a celebrity or two? I’m thinking this is a dream job. But when you ask the professionals, it becomes quite […]
Warning: This Makeup Book Is Dangerous

Once I decided I was going to pursue makeup I knew I couldn’t stop at YouTube. I mean YouTube is great and all, but I’m still an old fashioned girl who likes to pick up a good book. I wanted books that were simple to understand, had lots of pictures, and were recommended by other […]
Mindblowing Flesh Painting Techniques & How To Master Them

Learn the secret to getting the perfect flesh-toned paint job for your special effects prosthetics and other projects.
How to Mix Any Color and the Secret to Flesh Tones

Mixing colors can get downright tedious if you don’t know what you’re doing. Trust me. I know. I had no idea how to make any color I wanted. I mean really think about what that means. How in the world can I do that? I’m use to seeing the machines at Home Depot doing the […]